Сети влюбляет соблазнительная девушка-йог: фото

Пикaнтный и мoтивирующий aккaунт мoдeли, кoтoрaя пoявилaсь пeрeд мирoм с никoм Nude Yoga Girl, приoбрeл бoльшую пoпулярнoсть.
В свoeм Instagram дeвушкa прeпoдaeт aбсoлютнo oбнaжeнныe и эстeтичeски красивые фотка в разных асанах.
Свои фото девушка дополняет мотивирующими сообщениями в которых призывает читателей находиться (в присуствии) смелыми и работать над собой.

«I didn’t change, I just found myself.»
Реклама от Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) Авг 2 2017 в 10:12 PDT

These showers in the middle of nature in Bali were places where it was so easy for me to relax. Light and water on the skin, nature around. I’ve usually cold so all warm elements make me feel good. A hot shower is a few minutes of luxury everyday. A place where I can breathe deep and just be. The feeling after a shower is the best. Like after physically purifying, it would do the same also to your mind and you feel completely refreshed. You could restart a bad day with your thoughts clarified. Ps. Behind the scenes photo on my IG stories.?
Выпускание от Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) Авг 9 2017 в 12:02 PDT

I have to say, I’m so grateful and happy, even surprised about how well you have taken my color pictures.Thank you so much for supporting me! You are the best! ️ I really love to do this, I love sharing my thoughts with you, I read every single comment and message you send me. They mean more than you can think! I love traveling so much and with color photos I can bring this travel aspect also to my account. It’s very interesting (and challenging too) to shoot in different places around the world. Thank you @wapadiume resort for the beautiful stay. ? #bali #ubud
Статья от Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) Мар 6 2017 в 8:46 PST

Today I don’t know what to write…so I thought that maybe I’m not going to post a photo. But I wanted to share my photo with you and say happy weekend to everyone. So I decided to do it. If we wait things to be perfect we’ll never do them and we can miss so much… So one of my life rules is: done is better than perfect. ️
Объявление от Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) Июн 16 2017 в 1:17 PDT

I think self-esteem it’s the key factor for happiness, optimism and for believing in your own capability: to believe that we can affect our life. I would like everyone to understand «you are beautiful exactly the way you are». I would like to remind you, you can do it. You can do amazing things. I know self-esteem is a feature that can be developed. And when you start to trust yourself and start to be proud of yourself in a good way, your life will change. In a positive way. I haven’t always had good self-esteem, not at all. But I’ve found it and I want you to find it too. Because you will, you are enough. And when you start to think that you are good enough, you will start to feel so and at the end act like it also.
Реклама от Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) Май 28 2017 в 9:09 PDT

Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Thank you @lifestyleretreats for the beautiful stay. #PassionforLife #TheBaléNusaDua
Помещение от Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) Апр 19 2017 в 11:29 PDT

«When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.»…And sometimes all you need is a new perspective. ?️
Выпуск в свет от Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) Авг 19 2017 в 11:28 PDT