Блогер раскрыла секрет стройных ног в Instagram

Блогер Имре Сесенья продемонстрировала миру, как в Instagram обманывают ради удачного кадра.
На своей странице Имре выложила фото своих ног и показала, как по-настоящему выглядят ноги, когда они расслаблены.
На одном снимке поднята вверх пара стройных ног, а на другой можно увидеть, что действительно происходит с формой ног, если вы сядете на ровной поверхности.

Девушка говорит, что это совершенно нормально, и этого не нужно стесняться.
«Даже мышцы будут выглядеть как бесформенная куча мяса, когда вы расслаблены», – объясняет Сесенья.

?PHOTOSHOP? Transforming your body using training & diet takes years yet some photo shop only takes seconds. We live in a world with beauty «standards». I don’t have a tiny waist and huge hips and it always made me feel kinda insecure. Lots of us feel the pressure to look like the people we see in magazines. . And yes some of the pictures we see as «goals» were made with photoshop. But does that mean everything is photoshop? NO! I’m getting real tired of this hype to say that all that’s different from our own body must be photoshop. Guess what? There are people with a body like this right picture. There are people with naturally huge butts & tiny waists. I’m just not one of them. Does not matter though cause I’ve still gotten tons of «photoshop» comments under certain pictures . . Scroll back on my account and you’ll find pics of me showing how much lighting or posture can change your appearance. Lots of people found this difficult to believe so then it must be photoshopped? Yes, there’s a filter but the shape of my body has not been altered. Just because something seems unreal to you doesn’t always mean it’s fake . . What you say on the internet has an impact on others. Imagine a girl with a naturally tiny waist and huge butt always getting comments that she uses photoshop even though she doesn’t. That must suck right? Imagine an insecure girl using photoshop to look «prettier». Commenting that she is «still ugly as fuck» might indeed make her stop using photoshop. She’ll get plastic surgery now . . People will always be doing things we don’t agree with or simply don’t understand. But does that really affect your life? Let’s try to be kind to eachother. Hate won’t make this world a better place ?? . I know you probably thought that this post would be a rant on how there are «idiots» using photoshop but it isn’t. Guess what? In real life you will also come across people who seem «perfect». And fuck, that’s not photoshop. Work on your selfconfidence and know that you are gorgeous too! Someone elses beauty is not the absence of your own. As long as you are happy being you it shouldn’t really matter what others are doing! YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!
Допис, поширений Imre Çeçen ???? imrececen.com (@imrececen) Кві 30, 2017 о 1:30 PDT