Как нас обманывают в Instagram: фитнес-модель честно показала свой целлюлит на ягодицах

Кaк бы идeaльнo ни выглядeлo тeлo мoдeлeй в Instagram, в рeaльнoй жизни – мoжeт находиться мнoжeствo нeдoстaткoв, кoтoрыe oстaются зa кaдрoм. Нaпримeр, дaжe рeгулярныe зaнятия спoртoм и прaвильнoe питaниe нe мoгут пoбoрoть цeллюлит.
Aвстрaлийскaя фитнес-автотренер Меделин Джорджетта дала согласие на публикацию в журнале Women’s Health and Fitness карточка, на котором виден целлюлит. Ведь модель и тренер убеждена, подобно как его не нужно стесняться.
Однако, когда возлюбленная впервые увидела этот снимок, то ужаснулась и отказалась издавать в сети.

When my sister originally took this photo of me I saw it and was like «eww gross delete delete». I forgot to delete it and kept it on my computer for months. I shared another similar more flattering picture on my Instagram (sans butt dimples) and never thought I would ever share the original photo. When @whandfmag were interviewing me for a piece on their body issue edition I attached 5 images, all pictures in which I thought I looked pretty good ?I hesitated to send this picture as I didn’t know how I’d feel about this being on every newsstand in Australia. In a «what the hell» moment I emailed it through, and the editor told me it was the picture there were deciding to print ? Now that I see it in print, I’m extremely proud and so happy I made the decision to publish a photo of myself that shows me for me ️ no editing, no booty pose, just me, a giant coconut and my goofy grin ?
Допис, поширений Madalin Giorgetta (@madalingiorgetta) Вер 18, 2017 о 4:26 PDT

«(с)перва-наперво, когда моя сестра сделала это мое фото, я увидела его и сказала: «Фуу, низость, удали, удали». Я забыла его удалить и хранила на своем компьютере в стремнина нескольких месяцев. Никогда не думала, что когда-нибудь поделюсь оригинальной фотографией. Рань, когда я вижу это в печатном издании, чрезвычайно я горжусь и счастлива, что такое? приняла решение о публикации именно этой фотографии. Без ретуши, вне позы с выпяченной попой, только я, кокос и моя глупая вино», – сообщила Меделин..

Haven’t posted a selfie in 5 (5!!!) posts so figured you guys might not recognise me anymore so you need a #doubledelight ??#onlygetitifyouwatchedthebachelorette outfit: @mcactivewearmelbourne
Допис, поширений Madalin Giorgetta (@madalingiorgetta) Вер 20, 2017 о 4:33 PDT

Мэделин Джорджетта в случающийся раз подчеркнула, что не нужно слепо верить во всем публикациям в Instagram. Ведь, обычно, для соцсетей выбирают цвет фото – правильный ракурс, позу, фильтры и освещение.

When you’re drinking out of a tiki mug the size of your head you’re onto a good thing ???
Допис, поширений Madalin Giorgetta (@madalingiorgetta) Лип 13, 2017 о 3:53 PDT

«Никак не позволяйте чьему безупречному селфи нарушить вашу уверенность в себя – большинство людей на самом деле не выглядят эдак, как в своих Instagram», – добавила она.

? #BodybyMG Custom Guide Q+As ? 1️⃣ Why are the guides so expensive? The guides are priced high because they are custom to your goals and abilities. As they are one-on-one, I will be creating one at a time and going through all your provided information to come up with your best workout plan. I’ll be your online coach throughout the 4 weeks! 2️⃣ Will you offer a cheaper guide in the future? I do understand that not everyone can afford a custom guide, so I do plan to offer a one size fits all guide in the future for a much more affordable price. 3️⃣Why are they custom? Everyone is different and to achieve the best results possible, you need a program that caters to you. You may be a beginner who hates cardio and doesn’t know how to squat or you may be advanced who loves HIIT but would like to learn about strength training or you may just want to grow your booty with home and gym workouts and no upper body. Based on what you what and what you can achieve, I’ll create the best program for YOU. 4️⃣ How do you get the information from me? You’ll be asked to fill out a detailed questionnaire and then I’ll use that information to create your workout plan. 5️⃣ What happens when I finish the guides? You can add on another 4 weeks for a reduced price, I will supply a discount code to you when you’re near the end. 6️⃣ Why is there no nutrition guide? Isn’t that important? Yup it sure is! I am currently studying to be a nutrition coach so that I am qualified to create custom meal plans for you guys. My guide does include nutritional advice, but as a PT I am not qualified yet to create meal plans. I can calculate your macros for you and will offer this service in the future. I plan on being very hands on with you ? I want you to achieve the best results possible so will help you as best I can so you can get there! I am super passionate about this ??You are investing in me and I am investing in you. You got dis! ??
Допис, поширений Madalin Giorgetta (@madalingiorgetta) Чер 8, 2017 о 8:48 PDT