Ответ фитоняшкам: мужчина публикует забавные фото о здоровом образе жизни

Журналист издания Men’s Health Эдвард Лейн сделал целую серию фото, где он пародирует популярные фото в соцсетях.
Такой проект он решил создать после того, как целый год был фотографом для своей любимой. Девушка ведет Instagram о здоровом образе жизни.
«Буквально сотни людей лайкали фотографию моей девушки, где она ест салат. Мне казалось это таким бессмысленным и тревожным», – сказал Лейн.
Он также добавил, что его поразила страсть ее подписчиков к различным легинсам и авокадо, и в тот же момент он увидел много возможностей для насмешек.

6PACK SECRETS // While so-called experts would have you believe this kind of transformation takes months I’ve got some good news — it takes 30secs. Sure transformation plans promise better health, but when you’re thirsty for likes, followers and — let’s be honest — your first #spon post, the sooner those abs pop on screen the better. Well, allow me to share the insider secrets I’ve learnt since becoming the ‘grams hot new #microinfluencer (don’t say I’m not good to you ?). The trick is to spend hours and hours taking selfies, working out the exact angle and filter (Clarendon, duh!) that best defines your 6-pack. Swap from a T-shirt to sports bra to fool others into thinking you’ve been in the gym. Finally tense so hard that you may or may not fart and take the snap. Post it and watch the praise come in. Because what’s the point getting your body out of strangers on the internet can’t tell you how pretty you look, right? And today I’m feeling pretty! Try it and tag me in so we can all support each other on our own journey.
Публикация от Wellness Ted (@wellness_ted) Апр 26 2017 в 12:20 PDT

FULL DISCLOSURE // OK, so my stag do wasn’t as wellness as I thought. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned from the amazing people on here it’s that I’m not going to beat myself up about it. 50 pints in a weekend with your mates is nothing to be ashamed of. It was ?. Did you know in just a few days your liver can reboot itself? Our bodies are amazing. And while most of the time it’s our job to look after them. Right now I’m asking it to look after me! So hear I am. Owning it. I may have lost a couple of abs, but downing this nutritious red juice is helping me through my hangover and helping me get back on track for the week ahead. Wish me luck! Oh, and I’ve been away from the ‘gram for too long!! Im sorry. I’m sure you’ve all missed me ?
Публикация от Wellness Ted (@wellness_ted) Июн 5 2017 в 11:45 PDT

OM A MISSION // Since joining the upper echelons of Instagram’s wellness influencer community I’d been finding it progressively harder to practice what I preach. A full diary of protein launches, avocado brunches, selfies, workout classes, selfies, gym openings, yoga retreats and selfies had a dramatic effect on my anxiety levels. And despite my online persona, I was struggling for headspace. Which is why I’ve started meditating. It’s a brand new trend. Everyone’s talking about it. Sure, some nerds will tell you it’s been around for 3500 years, but what do they know? Right now it’s one of the hottest wellness trends and I really doubt the yogis of ancient India had iPhone apps (duh) so they clearly weren’t doing it right, anyway! Since checking in with myself for 5 minutes a day my cortisol levels have plummeted and I’m feeling more zen than ever. My advice? Focus on you. Make time for self-love (Gross. Not like that. Perv) because at the end of the day wellness and the route to happiness is about putting yourself ahead of all others. Worried this will come across as selfish? Put a good filter on your pic and people will call it inspiring ?
Публикация от Wellness Ted (@wellness_ted) Июн 29 2017 в 5:31 PDT

DOWNWARD DOGGING // New trend alert! Hotdog Yoga. It’s like hot yoga, but the main sweats you’ll get are of the meat variety. And, clean eaters, don’t worry about these dirty dogs — the metabolism boost you get from a strong flow is more than enough to make this post-class nutrition calorie neutral. Why not try it this weekend? Happy dogging everyone!
Публикация от Wellness Ted (@wellness_ted) Июл 7 2017 в 5:49 PDT

ACTION AND REACTION // Forget about counting your macros. Weight maintenance is all about matching the calories you burn to the calories you consume. If you want to weigh more then eat more and do less. If you want to weigh less then eat less and do more. But look at me, I look amazing, so I’m working on maintenance. . . And so that means finding the perfect reaction for every foodie action. Which is where your ? comes in. As one of your biggest muscles your glutes can activate more muscle fibres, making them one of the most metabolically activate parts of your body, requiring more calories to be burnt for fuel every time they contract. And so… Strap on a resistance band and start clam shelling. . . Whether you’re by a pool repping crisps at the @fitbituk_ireland #houseoffit or on your chaise longe at home and spotter is dropping grapes in your mouth it’s the perfect exercise to make every food guilt-free. . . ?? to @lensaction for bringing a little production value to #wellnesstedworld
Публикация от Wellness Ted (@wellness_ted) Авг 8 2017 в 12:21 PDT

GET SERIOUS // Your nutrition plan is no laughing matter. And all good prep should be done with a straight face. Seriously. Not even a smirk. If you’re too busy having fun how else would you know that CRUSHING your avocado, rather than the outmoded smashing technique, is a new way to ensure your food is pre-chewed when it enters your mouth, increasing the bioavailability of all the vitamins and minerals in everyone’s favourite #wellness ingredient — helping with everything from healthy #weightloss to disease prevention. Compound this with the effects of dropping it from a height and this superfood just got super-er. Health is a steep learning curve, not a game. If just one of you walks away from here and begins preparing their avocado like this I will have done my job, spreading cutting edge science to the masses. #yourewelcomeworld
Публикация от Wellness Ted (@wellness_ted) Апр 27 2017 в 11:23 PDT

When hangovers and #mealprep have a beautiful baby…
Публикация от Wellness Ted (@wellness_ted) Апр 23 2017 в 10:11 PDT

REAL TALK // Massive thank you to everyone that came down and supported my #wellnessmindfuck talk with @clean_eating_bob and @deliciouslysam at the @hbloggerscom #HBCsummit today. So great to be surrounded by so many inspirational people and share our thoughts on the world on #wellness with you!
Публикация от Wellness Ted (@wellness_ted) Апр 15 2017 в 5:19 PDT